MM: What first drew you to photography and what inspires you, and when did you
first, begin your journey behind the camera?
GIO: I used to be a car guy! When I receive some sponsors for parts on my car, I
had to provide photos for them to use. So I got to see a lot of the making of the
photoshoots for the photographers I hired and traded with. I always love the
beauty of a woman and seeing them work the car was really dope. At some point
I couldn’t afford to keep hiring someone to take my car so I figure I’ll get a camera
and learn it myself. I try to take photos of my car and believe me, I was no good at
it. I had no understanding of how to use my camera, I just knew to not shoot in auto
because of what all the people say about those that do. I shot a few car shows and
a local cosplayer asked if I could do a shoot with her. I had no clue what I was doing
but after that shoot, I posted some photos on Facebook, and slowly I had local
beginner models wanting to shoot with me. This happen in Feb 2016..
MM: What do you think makes your work memorable?
GIO: Honestly I’m not sure! I like to thank the quality and variety of photography
I do. Everyone tells me they love how sharp my photos are, and my use of colors.
MM: What does photography mean to you?
Photography to me is like the capture of your best moments. I always hear older
women talk about how they look when they were younger. Well, I feel I’m there to
capture that memory when they feel sexiest and most beautiful.
MM: Are you always in photographer mode?
Not at all. Most of the time I just want to chill and relax. So I try and hit the gym,
I hit up the Xbox from time to time or go see a movie with my son or by myself. I
ain’t got a girl so I can’t say spend time with them. I try not to make life just Photography,
need a break to stay fresh.