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Inside the Shoot with JUAN SANCHEZ

all photos are by JUAN SANCHEZ

about JUAN SANCHEZ (Get-Lit-With-Juan)

Tell me about yourself?
I’m originally from Brooklyn New York and of Puerto Rican descent. I’ve been in the photography scene for the last 7 years. I’ve traveled all over the place and have worked with models from all over the world. I’ve been published in multiple magazines, including Playboy, Penthouse, Xpressions, and a few others.

How did you become a photographer and what do you like about being a photographer?
Funny story, but I’ll keep it short. I wanted to be a Salsa instructor. However, I quickly realized that there were so many instructors at events and one or two photographers capture the moments that I thought I had a better chance at photography. So, within a year, I was already getting paid and flown around to cover salsa events. One of the things I love about being a photographer is working with so many great people. The biggest joy is creating an image that makes everyone stop and stares. That all happens when you have a great combination of talent, both from the model and photographer. Usually, there is a supporting cast that helps aid in this as well. I would never disrespect the others that are involved in the creation process.

What are your goals as a photographer?
Well, my goals are simple. I want to keep all images as close to reality as possible. That means getting great at retouching skin, mastering color to set the mood, and being able to work with any and all people involved in the process. I also want to make millions of dollars from this as well. Good luck with that to me! lol

What are your greatest accomplishments so far?
I would have to say, never letting down a customer/client has to be the biggest accomplishment. I have others too, such as, not allowing myself to be comfortable with where I am, I love that I keep driving to improve myself. Being published in Penthouse was a highlight for me as well. They choose one of my images through the model out of all the images she submitted. That was pretty cool.

What is your most memorable moment at shoot ventures How do you feel this trip has benefit you as a photographer?
I’ve been to two events so far and both events were awesome! However, the event itself is pretty memorable. Bali and Koh Samui were amazing locations. But I think Bali might have one moment that stands out the most. We had to climb down the stairs of death to reach a beach. The stairs was the most memorable part! Lol Actually, being in Bali and eating dinner with all of the people involved in the event was actually very amazing. It was almost magical. I definitely believe attending these events helps tremendously. It helps with creative thinking. It allows you to compete with other photographers to be unique. This is a great thing, it’s a great challenge at least for me. But I have created new content that I would never get to because of the challenge I’ve put on myself. In addition to that, you do learn from other photographers, sometimes it’s how to interact with models and see how they command the shoot, or maybe you learn some new editing techniques, lighting techniques, and in-camera tricks. There is always something to learn, even if you learn that you are able to impart knowledge to others.

If you can give advice to any new upcoming photographers what would it be?
Upcoming photographers, don’t be stuck with norms. Understand early what you want to do and try your best to execute your vision. Learn how to interact with others so you can achieve your ideas. Above all else, learn your camera and master your workflow. Those are the things that are going to help elevate you to where you want to be.

Anything you would like to say?
I think I’ve covered a lot here, but I would say this. Follow your passion and ensure you are doing everything in a professional manner. That doesn’t mean you can’t have fun, lord knows by my alias, I want to have fun and do. But respectful and understanding of the unwritten rules will keep you flourishing in the game so to speak.

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