Malkia Magazine LLC has a strict photo submission policy. We work with high-‐ end photographers and artists, and we only accept the highest quality submissions. We also are particular about accepting only new photographs that have not already been published, whether in print or on the Internet, or otherwise.
What we DO NOT want to see: untactful Nudity/pornographic material Amateur Photography People/crowds in the background (or a poor background in general) Already published photos that are not available in at LEAST at 300 dpi (ask your photographer)
If you are a photographer and have photos or artwork that you would like to submit for consideration, please send an email to with a few sample images from the shoot, as well as some information about your studio. If you are a model, you will need to provide photo release information from your photographer, granting permission to use the photo. Please remember to include information about the model, photographer & M.U.A -‐ we want to credit all of the artists involved in the photographs!
Please only send in high-‐resolution, FINISHED material and content related to the over-‐all theme of the magazine. We will not accept photographs or artwork that do not fit the type of model or themes we produce as a publication, and we absolutely do not print pornographic material. If your shots do not relate to the type of content we present, most likely Malkia Magazine LLC is not for you.
- All photographs submitted MUST be previously unpublished, including on the Internet. This means that if you have posted your pictures all over Facebook or Model Mayhem or any other site, we cannot use them, no matter how gorgeous they are.
- You must have ownership of the material that you submit or get permission from the owner (usually the photographer). You must sign a release form upon acceptance of any photos.
- Once accepted, you may not submit photos from the same set to another publisher. This does a disservice to you, Malkia Magazine LLC, and any other publisher involved, as we all want to promote you and new pictures of you! At Malkia Magazine LLC, we retain publishing rights for all submitted images for one year.
- We do not accept overly photo-‐shopped photographs. Do not get us wrong, we like certain photographers’ stylized photoshopping, and we are fans of the “painted” look as well. We just don’t want to see blown-‐out faces with no detail, fake-looking arms, and obviously fake backgrounds.
- Please do not submit snapshots or photos taken with crowds or other people in the background. Not only will we have no right to publish their images, but it looks messy and unprofessional.
- We are looking for professionally taken photographs with YOU as the focus. the model comes first.
- We do not accept nudes or pornographic material. Implied nudity is ok, but it must still give the feel of urban couture.
- We do not send “free” copies of the magazine to models and/or photographers. We will send tear sheets, if available, once the magazine is published. However, we do offer discounts to models and photographers for issues in which they appear
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