body measurements Bust:37 inches Waist:31 Hips:36 Social Media info Instagram: nissie.millyana Facebook: Nissie Morales Snapchat: nissaaay How did you get...
From São Paulo, Brazil with Fernando De Santis Q) What first drew you to photography and what inspires you, and...
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about Sonya Lynn Malkia Allure Cover Publish Date: Sep 14, 2018 I started modeling around 2010 when a friend of mines...
MODELING NAME: MonayeAGE: 26SIGN: LibraRACE/NATIONALITY: African AmericanHEIGHT: 5í3îMEASUREMENTS –Bust: 36îwaist: 31îhips: 42îEYE COLOR: BrownHAIR COLOR: BrownLOCATION: North CarolinaHOW LONG HAVE...
This is your girl, Khadorra, from Augusta GA; yes I’m a Sweet Georgia Peach, Sweet and Juicy if you ask...